Welcome to ICOMOS Palestine
About us

ICOMOS Palestine: Association's Missions and Activities
ICOMOS Palestine Committee aims to raise community awareness of cultural heritage and to educate participants, especially university students and recent graduates, in all fields related to Palestinian heritage. Its activities include visits to UNESCO World Heritage Sites as well as nominated sites. These visits focus on cultural heritage sites in general, and specifically on rural areas, historic town centers, and archaeological monuments. The program seeks to familiarize participants with the Universal exceptional values of these sites, as well as with the criteria for their registration and preservation
To join the ICOMOS Palestine Committee
You can fill out the membership application form to become a member of the association
+"Happy clients."
+"Number of exploration trips."
+"Our awards."
+"Association members."
Board Members
The ICOMOS Palestine Board consists of 9 members elected by the General Assembly of ICOMOS Palestine. The Board is organized as follows:
Additional Members
Recent updates

Arab Region ICOMOS Declaration#2 (16-October-2024)

Public Statement Regarding the Fire at Al-Hisba Central Vegetable Market Complex (31 May 2024)

بيان حول أحداث غزة – Declaration sur Gaza – Statement on Gaza (2 January 2024)

ICOMOS Palestine’s statement regarding the continuation of genocidal war on Gaza Strip in Palestine (29 December 2023)

Statement No. 3 regarding GAZA (9 December 2023)